In this blog post we will discuss the latest changes to the Nex Artist mobile app in the v1.2.2 update.

What’s new in v1.2.2?

This week we made the decision to focus efforts on improving the overall quality of the mobile app by fixing issues that affected the artist search experience. We also introduced a new type of push notification for artists.
  • Artist New Fan Notifications – When favourited by a listener on the mobile app, artists who have notifications enabled will receive an alert to inform them of their new fan. The setting can be disabled/enabled from the new artist notifications settings page.
  • Improved Search Performance – The available artist pool no longer reloads once all artist results have been swiped, making it even faster to perform concecutive searches.
  • Various Bug Fixes – In some scenarios where multiple sub-genres are specified for a search, track results would not be shown in order of relevance. This has now been resolved in the latest update! There have also been some smaller bug fixes relating to UI/UX, resulting in a more reliable experience for listeners.
Have any suggestions or feedback on this update? We would love to hear from you! 
Please send over an email to [email protected] with as much information as possible!
Want to view more information on the Nex Artist platform? Visit our landing page website here.

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