Our mobile app has been available to download on app stores since Monday and has already received an overwhelming response from artists and listeners. To commemorate the launch, we have created a 15-second promo video to showcase its features.

Listeners can use our mobile app to discover upcoming artists that have registered for our platform,. The search page allows artists to filter results on Artist Country, Track Genre and BPM, which enables more relevant results to be returned. Artist results showcase their top tracks in 30 second previews to instantly give listeners a feel for their music.

Swiping right on an artist from the search results will add them to the listener’s personal artist collection where they can tap on links to hear the full tracks on their preferred streaming service or view their social media pages. Alternatively, swiping left will remove the artist from any future search results, ensuring that only unseen artists are showed.

Download the app for free today and start discovering the talented artists that have registered for our platform.