Beats per Minute (BPM) is the speed/tempo of a track. Generally, most tracks have a BPM value of 0 – 300 however there are some cases where this may exceed 300. On the Nex Artist platform, artists are required to enter the BPM information of the tracks they upload, as this information is searchable by listeners on our mobile app.

Finding a track’s BPM can be as simple as re-opening the original project file used to export the audio file. If you cannot find the original project file or it is no longer available, there are other methods that can be used to help identify it.

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1. Opening the Project File in your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)

If you are able to locate the original project file used to export your track audio file, this should be the easiest method to identify the track’s BPM. The file extension for project files will differ depending on the DAW that you use. A list of popular DAWs and their project file extensions are:

  • Ableton – .asd
  • Fruity Loops Studio – .flp
  • Cubase – .cpr
  • Reason – .reason
  • Pro Tools – .ptx/.ptf
  • Logic Pro – .logic

A quick google on how to find the BPM for your specific DAW should help you locate the BPM value for your track.

2. Online Audio Analyser

There are websites online that can analyse track audio files to identify the BPM. These sites require you to upload your track’s audio file (.mp3, .wav, etc) and will perform an analysis on the waveform.

Examples of Online Audio Analysers websites:

3. Online BPM Calculator / Counter

If you do not wish to upload your audio file on a website to be analysed, you can use an online BPM calculator/counter which allows you to tap a button in time with the track while it plays to produce an average BPM value. As this method requires manual intervention, the BPM will only be as accurate as you can be when tapping the button.

Examples of Online BPM Calculator / Counter websites:

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